Monday, May 4, 2015

Mastodon shirts

Leviathan - from Relapse
The 2015 tour Blood Mountain shirt.
The Volcom - Just Got Paid
Back + Sleeve
CTS timeframe
Remission from Relapse
Remission box
Blood Mountain timeframe
The back
2013-14 webstore
CTS/Hunter timeframe
The back
Seabeast from Relapse
2013 tour
The back
Remission box
Blood mountain from Relapse
Their first shirt
Leviathan time frame
 The back
 Remission era
 The back
Early Leviathan shirt
Prehistoric Chopper OMRTS time.
 2014 webstore
 CTS Longsleeve tour
The back
 Leviathan Europe Tour 2005
The back
CTS Euro Tour
The back
 Leviathan timeframe
The back
The Bear
Add caption
 Devil Horns Remission Tour
The back
Leviathan timeframe
 The back
 Circle of Cysquatch
 The Back... Blood Mountain logo
Hail Santa!
Christmas Sweater!!
2017 Limited Edition David Stoupakis

I will update the crappy pictures, and any others I find/get as time goes.